The elite training in Transaction Services, Valuation, and Restructuring

Break into the most prestigious Transaction Advisory Services firms

The most comprehensive Transaction Advisory Services training

  • Enroll in the training program built by experienced consultants from the most renowned Transaction Services, Valuation, and Restructuring firms.
  • Learn the methods, tips and advice shared by Transaction Services  consultants.
  • Access many technical questions asked in interviews.
  • Master the construction of complex financial models on Excel.
Témoignage formation en finance
Guillaume Dagorn
Analyste 2 in Transaction Services at KPMG
“High-quality training due to the diversity and quality of the content. Most of the major transaction challenges are explained. Besides, the technical cases are very close to what we encounter during the interview process. I highly recommend it!”
Témoin formation Private Equity
Axel Legrand
Analyste intern in Transaction Services and business valuation at NG Finance
“The training is very comprehensive and of very good quality.
It fully justifies the financial investment.”

Members of Invest Prep's TAS training program have landed jobs at top consulting firms

cabinets formation en Transaction Services

What's included in the TAS training program?

What's included in the TAS training program?

The complete training program to succeed in all stages of the Transaction Services, Valuation and Restructuring processes.

Formation Finance

A dense training in 4 major modules

  • Understanding the industries and processes
  • HR-Fit questions
  • Accounting and financial analysis
  • Financial Valuation/Modeling

End of module quizzes and tests

modélisation financière

Financial modeling on Excel

The goal of our Excel modeling cases is to guide you step-by-step in building financial statements, debt modeling, company valuation (DCF and comparable analysis), and more.
Soon, you’ll be the most prepared and efficient candidate when facing an Excel model.

The training in Transaction Services, Valuation and Restructuring is composed of the following modules

Module 1

Understand Transaction Advisory Services Processes and Roles

Gain mastery of Due Diligences, IBR, and other reports produced by TAS firms. Dive into the heart of Transaction Services, Valuation and Restructuring departments.

Module 2

Presentation and “Fit” Questions in Finance Interviews

The keys to a successful presentation, the research you should conduct before an interview, the classic interview questions & answers, brainteasing and marketsizing cases.

Module 3

Accounting and Financial Analysis Fundamentals

Understand the relationship between financial statements, the challenges of consolidation and learn how to answer tricky accounting questions.

Module 4

Corporate Finance, Valuation and Financial Modeling

A technical module on valuation and business modeling exercises with a practical angle to take you beyond what is learned in business school.

Each module is followed by a Quiz with questions, tests, and practical exercises based on actual interview cases.

“The course allows for a review of concepts studied in business school but with immediate application to the professional world.
This approach has helped me better understand the various steps in building a business plan, a valuation model, and also provided a clearer understanding of the processes in a Transaction Services firm”

“I subscribed to the Premium package and I am more than satisfied with my choice. The training has allowed me to consolidate my finance knowledge, learn a lot about Transaction Services, Investment Banking, and Private Equity.

After this training, I was successful in all my Transaction Services interview processes and I finally joined PwC. Thank you Invest Prep!”


Témoignages formation en Transaction Services
On average they rate us 4,8/5

Our Transaction Advisory Services training packages:

Formule TAS


Formule Premium (TAS, PE, IB)


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